Hi! Today I'll be doing my first ever fitness post. This may be somewhat random but nonetheless...
Although I'm definitely no expert, I've been really trying to improve my overall health these days. Most of you may already know but Australia isn't exactly the healthiest country out there, in fact obesity rates have doubled in the past 20 years!
No matter what age or what size you are, physical activity is essential to your general well-being. Many of us don't exercise because we are
too busy,
don't have time or are simply
too lazy so today I'm going to share 5 ways that you can incorporate physical activity into your life by doing everyday activities.
Take the stairs instead of the escalators. Although it doesn't sound like it will make a difference, trust me it will add up in the long run.
Park your car at spot furthest away from the entrance of the shopping centre. Many of us fight for that parking spot that's right next to the entrance of our local shopping centre but why not park as far away as possible and incorporate some physical activity?
3. If you use public transport,
get off at the bus stop before yours and do that extra little walk. Of course, this might not apply to everyone!
Shop in-stores rather than online. Trust me, when Carrie Bradshaw said that shopping was her cardio, she wasn't joking. Walking around the shopping centre with all of your shopping bags is a actually pretty good work out; it's tiring but fun =P
Exercise in front of the TV. Instead of sitting on the couch, you can do some stretches or simple exercises such a squats.
I hope that these points were helpful! If you have any tips feel free to leave them in the comments below =)